2023 In Review – NMAAS
Curated 4 month exhibit for the Mainstreet Community Center where I made a presentation on stamp collecting. Received a grant from the Edwardsville Community Foundation for the exhibit.
Coordinated and exhibited in the annual black history event at Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville (SIUE).
Planned, participated, and exhibited at two Juneteenth events. Promoted the hobby of stamp collecting. Encouraged and had photo op with Miss IL Juneteenth at SIUE celebration.
Attended the John Lewis Stamp Unveiling in ATL. Networked and fostered support for the 35th Anniversary celebration for ESPER.
Chaired the 35th Anniversary celebration for the Ebony Society of Philatelic Events and Reflections (ESPER). Oversaw and executed all vendor needs, attendee registration, and events. St. Louis was selected as the location in 2018. We had a mini museum night where attendees shared special philatelic pieces, toured the House of Miles Davis and the National Blues Museum, and we had a John Lewis stamp recognition at our closing banquet.
Visit www.nmaas.org or www.esperstamps.org for more information about African Americans on Stamps. I am the current VP for the Ebony Society of Philatelic Events and Reflections (ESPER). Please take time to view some of the pictures from the 35th Anniversary celebration. https://www.esperstamps.org/35th-anniversary-in-st-louis